Sunday, July 20, 2008

Essential Sabbath time

Living in a world full of chaotic mayhem, where rest is virtually impossible to find, I am being challenged to re-think, pursue and embrace a weekly Sabbath ritual. A ritual based on the freeing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, while trying to dispose of any Pharisaical legalism that can easily penetrate such a vital habit. This is based off the understanding that God's Sabbath Command was established in Creation, was mercifully commanded for the sake of His created beings - that my family and I would not be overwhelmed by the pressures of this world and, essentially, live my life knowing God is in control - NOT ME! I am basing my reading off Marva dawn's book: Keeping the Sabbath Wholly; Resting, Ceasing, Embracing and Feasting! My plan is to continue to study it and live it .....

1 comment:

Wozza said...

yeah bro!! it's funny haven't to slow down to accept what we fervently believe - but you're right - taking the sabbath is about trusting God is in control & that we are in His work - it doesn't depend on us - God is slowly teaching me that on a very practical level & it is sooo good!! Good to be slowing down & loving Him more!!
Bless you guys - wanna talk with u's more when you're here! Faith, books, life. Looking forward to catching up!!